I never knew how important it is to have an awesome base coat for your nails. Heck, I never ever used a base coat when doing my nails until I heard about this fabulous product. Its a rubberized basecoat that adheres to whatever polish you use.
Keep in touch as I will soon write a post of week long chip free nails tutorial!
As a flight attendant, you're always looking for a loooong lasting nail polish cuz of all the work you do with your hands, i.e-- opening a ton of cans. So, its crucial (at least for me) to have chip free nails.
Let me know if you have tried Orly Bonder and how it has worked for you.
I can't help but think about one of my favorite movies: Catch me if you can, when I think of the Flight Attendant world. A bunch of giddy girls dying to be chosen for the 'glamourous, fun, no-stress-at-all, smiley, gorgeous' life. I think all of us at one point think of it that way. And though its not ALL accurate, I still like to believe it is what you make of it.
I think its important to have a realistic view of this career. Though it can be exciting and adventurous, it has its challenges. Working weekends, holidays, being stuck in a city due to weather, irrate customers etc. is what to expect. But, on the flip side, there are some major rewards: ability to fly around the world, meeting new people daily, constant change of environment, the occassional exotic layover are just a few of the pluses.
So how do u become a flight attendant?
A few things they look for:
1. you have to be 21 in most airlines because you serve alcohol.
2. customer service experience and/or 2 years of college.
3. a clean and neat appearance. (note: though they hire all shapes and sizes, all however have to fit in the jumpseat without a seat belt extender)
4. friendly and a genuine smile.
5. Great Customer Service can not be stressed enough. That's so important.
To see who's hiring, the best thing to do is check weekly with your favorite airlines on their careers page in their website. Also, I love this website that gives up to date hiring status of all airlines:
Hello everybody! I want to introduce myself to the world wide web. My goal here is to enlighten dolls around the world of the 'sky doll' life: aka--- flight attendant world. I'll be posting anywhere from how to become one to helpful travel tips to favorite nail polish.
This is going to be a great ride. I actually have been a flight attendant for a major carrier and am in the process of becoming one again for a legacy airline.